

音标:[ bùbùwéiyíng ]   发音:
  • advance gradually and entrench oneself at every step; consolidate at every step; expand as one goes along; fortifications are erected every time the troops make an advance; make a stand at every step; move carefully every step on the way; on the alert; pitch [break] camp and advance in a series of marches
    ◇步步为营法 [计算机] bootstrapping



  • 例句与用法
  • Ibis in china : to be localized step by step
  • But he has enough to do , as both companies are on the defensive
  • Speed and stealth is good , but i prefer a more consistent and methodical approach
  • As long as sensitivities and differences exist , the government has to tread the safe path
  • The aim of this attack will be to move slowly and steadily , destroying everything in your path
  • When all seems lost , the future unknowable , our very existence in peril . . . not a problem , all we can do . . . is run
    当一无所有的时候未来变得扑朔迷离,我们哪怕是生存都要步步为营. . .这不是个问题,我们唯一所能做的. . .就是继续前行
  • But many have become weary , worried , cautious or shocked to varying degrees by the experience of financial globalisation that came with financial openness and intensified by the revolution in information technology
  • This is where over 20 years of experience becomes a very important factor . nevertheless , we need to remain innovative and keep our organization flexible to cope with constant change in the marketplace
  • Citing concerns about lithium - ion - battery reliability , toyota executives on monday said they are taking a cautious ' step - by - step ' approach to developing plug - in hybrid electric vehicles using lithium - ion technology
  • Since its establishment , suhuang has accomplished remarkable achievements step by step , by adhering to the tenet to be “ people - oriented , pioneering and enterprising , high quality and sustainable ” , and is now striding forward to become a major construction enterprise
  • 更多例句:  1  2
  • 其他语种释义
  • 步步为营的日语:〈成〉一歩前進するごとに砦[とりで]を設ける.用心深く行動するたとえ.
  • 步步为营的韩语:【성어】 (1)가는 곳마다 진을 치다. 방비를 엄중히 하다. 步步为营, 节节设防; 걸음마다 진을 치고 걸음마다 방어 시설을 구축하다 (2)신중히 하다. 干每一件事都要步步为营, 更应该打起精神; 매사를 신중히 하여야 하며 더 정신을 차려야 한다
  • 步步为营的俄语:pinyin:bùbùwéiyíng на каждом шагу устраивать военный лагерь (обр. в знач.: а) продвигаться шаг за шагом, закрепляя свои позиции; б) строить оборону на каждом шагу)
  • 步步为营什么意思:bù bù wéi yíng 【解释】军队每向前推进一步就设下一首营垒。形容防守严密,行动谨慎。 【示例】可激劝士卒,拔寨前进,~,诱渊来战而擒之:此乃“反客为主”之法。(明·罗贯中《三国演义》第七十一回) 【拼音码】bbwy 【灯谜面】货郎担 【用法】动宾式;作谓语、宾语;比喻做事谨慎 【英文】make a stand at every step
  • 推荐英语阅读
步步为营的英文翻译,步步为营英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译步步为营,步步为营的英文意思,步步為營的英文步步为营 meaning in English步步為營的英文步步为营怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
