

  • second polar bodies
  • second polar body
  • second polocyte
  • secondary polar body



  • 例句与用法
  • Study on the first and the second polar bodies in mammals
  • Secondary polar body
  • Second polar body
  • These results indicate that chx at an app ropriate concentration can improve the parthenogenetic development of buffalo oocytes , cb at an appropriate concentration may inhibit the extrusion of the first polar body and increase the proportion of activated oocytes with two pronuclei
    结果表明,适当浓度的chx能提高卵母细胞激活效果,适当浓度的cb可抑制卵母细胞第二极体的排出,提高孤雌激活后双原核的比例。 2
  • But we did n ' t observe the pronuclear fusion or association . at the 24h after hcg injection obtaining the embryo , the pronuclear embryo with or without pb2 was analyzed . the pronuclear embryo with pb2 was 217 in all 431 embryos ( 50 . 35 % ) , the pronuclear embryo without pb was 104 ( 24 . 13 % ) and the abnormal embryo was 32 ( 7 . 42 % ) , and the rest was the pronuclear embryo with pb1 or
    ( 5 )原核胚具有第二极体的比例和消长趋势:统计所取得的全部原核胚发现,具有第二极体原核胚的比例为50 . 35 % ( 2171431 ) ,而没有极体的占24 . 13 % ( 1041431 ) ,其中还有7 . 42 % ( 321431 )为异常的原核胚胎,其余18 . 1 % ( 781431 )仅有第一极体或者仅显示其痕迹。
  • The objective of this study was whether the reconstituted embryo with the second polar body ( pb2 ) can develop . firstly , female mouse was superovulated with pmsg + hcg and keep in the same cage with male mouse , the pronuclear embryo was obtained at the different time after hcg injection with different motheds to investigate the existing time of pronuclear embryo . then pronuclear embryo was cultured with three different mediums to select the best to culture in vitro
    母鼠在注射hcg后与公鼠同笼交配,并在注射hcg后不同时间(从18h到26h ) 、不同方法(体内法和体外法)获取胚胎,研究获取原核胚的最佳时间;在此基础上获得具有第二极体原核胚,然后对原核胚进行显微操作,去除雌原核并注入第二极体,探讨第二极体内遗传物质支持胚胎发育的潜力;同时利用dna特异性染料h33342对原核胚进行染色,显示并比较原核和第二极体内的dna遗传物质。
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第二极体的英文翻译,第二极体英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译第二极体,第二极体的英文意思,第二極體的英文第二极体 meaning in English第二極體的英文第二极体怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
