

音标:[ yuǎnyīn ]   发音:
  • remote cause



  • 例句与用法
  • In the work to do he had forgotten the purpose of it
  • There are , in fact , two levels of causality to consider : proximate ( immediate historical events ) and ultimate ( deeper evolutionary motives )
    事实上,有两层因果关系要考虑:近因(当时的历史事件)与远因(较深的演化动机) 。
  • The drawbacks of the former one are that higher power is required to reach a satellite at that distance and a substantial round trip signal delay is inevitable
  • In french civil law , it contains two aspects of meaning : the first is the reason the parties make a contract , i . e . the proximate cause ; the second is the ultimate aim that the parties want to achieve through a contract , and it is called the remote cause of a contract
  • Although bligh preceded charles darwin by nearly a century , the ship commander comes closest to capturing the ultimate cause : “ i can only conjecture that they have idealy assured themselves of a more happy life among the otaheitians than they could possibly have in england , which joined to some female connections has most likely been the leading cause of the whole business
  • The other one advocated regarding the dominant , effective cause as the proximate cause . and the insurer would be responsible to the loss caused by proximate cause . in this chapter , i will try my best to show the theories of causation of different scholars , and how the principle of proximate cause is used in the leading cases
  • 其他语种释义
  • 远因的日语:(?近因 jìnyīn )遠因.間接的な原因. 这次失败,除了上述 shàngshù 远因以外,还有近因/この失敗については,上に述べた遠因のほかに近因もある.
  • 远因的韩语:[명사] 원인(遠因). 먼 원인. 간접적인 원인. ↔[近因]
  • 远因的俄语:pinyin:yuǎnyīn далёкая (основная) причина, первопричина
  • 远因什么意思:yuǎnyīn 不是直接造成结果的原因(区别于‘近因’)。
  • 推荐英语阅读
远因的英文翻译,远因英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译远因,远因的英文意思,遠因的英文远因 meaning in English遠因的英文远因怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
