

音标:[ suízàng ]   发音:
  • be buried with the dead
    ◇随葬物[品] funerary objects; burial articles



  • 例句与用法
  • Yan , xiuping , interpretations of some classifiers in clothing books excavated in tulufan ( 188 )
  • Money tree was first found in the han tombs of sichuan . it was a unique object for burial
  • Money tree was first found in the han tombs of sichuan . it was a unique object for burial
  • Supported by the confucian school of idealist philosophy of the song dynasty , jun porcelain , the symbol of the highest royal right , naturally stands in the royal court , and can ' t be used as a funerary object
    在宋理学思想的支持下,最高的王室权力象征? ?钧瓷,便自然而然地雄踞朝廷,不能入土随葬,自取灭亡了。
  • In ancient china , the afterlife was conceived as a continuation of life on earth . to provide for the needs of the afterlife , a variety of mortuary objects also known as funerary objects or burial objects were buried with the dead
  • However , mathematics is a subject researching the relation among objects , so that classification itself is a kind of mathematical behavior . this paper has used the datum from excavation in graveyard at qiao village , houma city , shanxi province from 1963 to 1993
  • Nine bronze age burials were discovered . the grave goods can be grouped under three major categories : pottery , stone and bronze . there were altogether forty - nine grave goods including coarse or geometric pottery pots , glazed pottery stemcups ; various stone implements such as adzes , spearheads , rings , slotted rings and casting moulds ; bronze artifacts like dagger and knife etc .
    赤角岛上的青铜器时代遗存,主要在过路湾沙滩后的缓坡上出土,共发现九座青铜器时代墓葬,随葬器物分陶器、石器、和青铜器三大类,共四十九件;包括夹砂陶罐、几何印纹陶罐、釉陶豆、石锛、石矛、石环、石? 、石铸范和青铜剑、铜蔑刀等。
  • Following ancient chinese tradition , mausoleums were built for the dead and a large number of useful household objects were buried with them as a tribute . not surprisingly , a wide variety of burial objects , such as pottery replicas of male and female attendants , livestock , horses and carts , have been found in ancient mausoleums
  • Following ancient chinese tradition , mausoleums were built for the dead and a large number of useful household objects were buried with them as a tribute . not surprisingly , a wide variety of burial objects , such as pottery replicas of male and female attendants , livestock , horses and carts , have been found in ancient mausoleums
  • 其他语种释义
  • 随葬的日语:死体に添えて埋葬する(こと).副葬(する). 随葬品/副葬品.
  • 随葬的韩语:[동사] 부장(副葬)하다. 随葬品; 부장품 随葬物wù; 부장물(副葬物). 부장품
  • 随葬的俄语:pinyin:suízàng захоронение (кого-л., чего-л.) вместе с умершим
  • 随葬什么意思:suízàng 用财物、器具、车马等随同死者埋葬:~品│~物。
  • 推荐英语阅读
随葬的英文翻译,随葬英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译随葬,随葬的英文意思,隨葬的英文随葬 meaning in English隨葬的英文随葬怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
