1. 正韵法 orthometry
  2. 正题 subject of a talk or essay
  3. 正颜厉色 look serious and severe
  4. 正餐 dinner
  5. 正驾驶员 first pilot
  6. 正骨 ulna
  7. 正骨法 bonesetting
  8. 正骨科 specialty of bone setting
  9. 正黄 pure yellow
  10. 正齿轮 spur gear
  11. this
  12. 此一时彼一时 Times have changed.
  13. 此丸宜含服 This pill is to be sucked,no...
  14. 此之谓形式主义 This is what is called forma...
  15. 此书的文体胜过其内容 The style in this book is mo...
  16. 此事不容耽搁 The matter allows of no dela...
  17. 此事与你无关 It has nothing to do with yo...
  18. 此事可以通融 We can make an exception in ...
  19. 此事如何办理 How are we to handle this ma...
  20. 此事尚待擘画 This has yet to be planned.
  21. 此事尚未解决 The matter remains to be set...
  22. 此事已作罢论 The idea has already been dr...
  23. 此事已通过强制性仲裁得到解决 It was settled by compulsory...
  24. 此事当另函详陈 The matter will be explained...
  25. 此事望迅即处理 It is hoped that immediate a...
  26. 此事现在正在酝酿之中 The matter is now under deli...
  27. 此事的重要性已引起了公众的充分注意 Public attention is thorough...
  28. 此事还未见分晓 The outcome of the matter is...
  29. 此人 this person
  30. 此人名不见经传 He was not a well-known figu...
  31. 此人易与 He is easy to get along with...
  32. 此其一端 This is one aspect of the ma...
  33. 此则余之过也 This is my fault.
  34. 此刻 this moment
  35. 此卡应存案备查 This card should be kept on ...
  36. 此卡应归档备查 This card should be kept on ...
  37. 此后 after that
  38. 此呼彼应 echo one another
  39. 此唱彼和 When one starts singing,anot...
  40. 此地 this place
  41. 此地人 local people
  42. 此地无银三百两 No 300 taels of silver burie...
  43. 此处 this place
  44. 此处不准吸烟 Smoking is not allowed here.
  45. 此处不许吸烟 Smoking is not permitted her...
  46. 此处吊起 lift here
  47. 此处引文从略 The quotation is omitted her...
  48. 此处打开 open here
  49. 此处承兑旅行支票 Traveller's checks cashed he...
  50. the Ji River a surname

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