

[ qínjiǎn ] 发音:   "勤俭"的汉语解释   用"勤俭"造句
  • hardworking and thrifty 短语和例子
  • 娄勤俭:    lou qinjian
  • 崇尚勤俭:    advocate industry and thrift
  • 厉行勤俭:    we must practice strict economy and combat extravagance
  • 勤俭办工厂:    run the factory in an industrious and economical way
  • 勤俭办企业:    run the enterprise industriously and thriftily
  • 勤俭办商店:    industrious and thrifty management of shops
  • 勤俭办社:    run the commune industriously and thriftily
  • 勤俭办学:    run the school diligently and thriftily
  • 勤俭持家:    be industrious and thrifty in managing a household; be diligent and thrifty in running the household [one's home]; manage the household industriously and thriftily
  • 勤俭过日子:    live industriously and frugally
  • 勤俭建国:    build the country with [through] diligence and thrift; be diligent and thrifty in building the country; build our country industriously and with frugality; build (up) the country through thrift and hard work; carry on national construction through hard work and thrift
  • 勤俭建军:    build the army through diligence and frugality; build the army through diligence and thrift
  • 勤俭节约:    diligent and thrifty
  • 勤俭耐劳:    be diligent, frugal and able to endure hardship
  • 勤俭朴素:    industry, thrift and frugality; diligence, thrift and plain living
  • 勤俭起家:    build up a family by hard work and thrift; build up the family's fortune with might and main; grow rich out of [by dint of] diligence and frugality; rise up through diligence and frugality; wealth flows from industry and economy
  • 勤俭人家:    an industrious and frugal family fiancé's family
  • 勤俭自强:    diligence, frugality and self-improvement
  • 办任何事都要勤俭:    be thrifty and hardworking in whatever undertaking you are to start on
  • 艰苦奋斗,勤俭建国的方针:    policy of plain living and hard struggle,of building up the country with industry and thrift
  • 艰苦奋斗勤俭建国的方针:    policy of plain living and hard struggle of building up the country with industry and thrift
  • 勤俭节约是我们的传家宝:    the practice of hard work and frugality is a cherished part of our tradition
  • 他的成功是由于他的勤俭:    his success was due to industry and thrift
  • 我们要勤俭办一切事业:    get sth. ready
  • 勤工助学:    take a part-time job while studying at college
  • 勤工俭学:    study under a work-study programme; part-time-work and part-time-study; run a school on the basis of self-supporting through hard work; study on a work-study basis; the practice of working while studying 他打算靠勤工俭学读完大学。 he planned to work his way through college


    更多例句:  下一页
  1. I'm a very thrifty housekeeper-no waste .
  2. Be thrifty and hardworking in whatever undertaking you are to start on .
  3. The chinese people are industrious, frugal, intelligent and quick to learn .
  4. She ran her apartment with thrift and bought her clothes at trade prices .
  5. Fortunately his wife was a good needlewoman, and as sober and industrious as himself .


        娄勤俭:    lou qinjian
        崇尚勤俭:    advocate industry and thrift
        厉行勤俭:    we must practice strict economy and combat extravagance
        勤俭办工厂:    run the factory in an industrious and economical way
        勤俭办企业:    run the enterprise industriously and thriftily
        勤俭办商店:    industrious and thrifty management of shops
        勤俭办社:    run the commune industriously and thriftily
        勤俭办学:    run the school diligently and thriftily
        勤俭持家:    be industrious and thrifty in managing a household; be diligent and thrifty in running the household [one's home]; manage the household industriously and thriftily
        勤俭过日子:    live industriously and frugally
        勤俭建国:    build the country with [through] diligence and thrift; be diligent and thrifty in building the country; build our country industriously and with frugality; build (up) the country through thrift and hard work; carry on national construction through hard work and thrift
        勤俭建军:    build the army through diligence and frugality; build the army through diligence and thrift
        勤俭节约:    diligent and thrifty
        勤俭耐劳:    be diligent, frugal and able to endure hardship
        勤俭朴素:    industry, thrift and frugality; diligence, thrift and plain living
        勤俭起家:    build up a family by hard work and thrift; build up the family's fortune with might and main; grow rich out of [by dint of] diligence and frugality; rise up through diligence and frugality; wealth flows from industry and economy
        勤俭人家:    an industrious and frugal family fiancé's family
        勤俭自强:    diligence, frugality and self-improvement
        办任何事都要勤俭:    be thrifty and hardworking in whatever undertaking you are to start on
        艰苦奋斗,勤俭建国的方针:    policy of plain living and hard struggle,of building up the country with industry and thrift
        艰苦奋斗勤俭建国的方针:    policy of plain living and hard struggle of building up the country with industry and thrift
        勤俭节约是我们的传家宝:    the practice of hard work and frugality is a cherished part of our tradition
        他的成功是由于他的勤俭:    his success was due to industry and thrift
        我们要勤俭办一切事业:    get sth. ready
        勤工助学:    take a part-time job while studying at college
        勤工俭学:    study under a work-study programme; part-time-work and part-time-study; run a school on the basis of self-supporting through hard work; study on a work-study basis; the practice of working while studying 他打算靠勤工俭学读完大学。 he planned to work his way through college


        勤俭的法语:形 diligent et économe
        勤俭的日语:勤勉で節約する. 勤俭过日子/せっせと働きつましく暮らす. 办任何 rènhé 事都应从勤俭节约出发/何をするにも勤勉節約を旨としなければならない.
        勤俭的韩语:[형용사] 근검하다. 부지런하고 알뜰하다. 勤俭持家; 근면하고 알뜰하게 집안 살림을 꾸리다
        勤俭的俄语:[qínjiǎn] трудолюбивый и бережливый; рачительный
        勤俭什么意思:qínjiǎn 勤劳而节俭:~建国ㄧ~过日子。


  1. "勤富有限公司"英文
  2. "勤工出巧"英文
  3. "勤工出巧匠"英文
  4. "勤工俭学"英文
  5. "勤工助学"英文
  6. "勤俭办工厂"英文
  7. "勤俭办企业"英文
  8. "勤俭办商店"英文
  9. "勤俭办社"英文
  10. "勤俭办学"英文


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