

发音:   用"勤俭办工厂"造句
  • run the factory in an industrious and economical way
  • 勤俭:    hardworking and thrifty
  • :    do; manage; handle; tackle; ...
  • 工厂:    factory; mill; plant; works
  • 勤俭办企业:    run the enterprise industriously and thriftily
  • 勤俭办商店:    industrious and thrifty management of shops
  • 勤俭办社:    run the commune industriously and thriftily
  • 勤俭办学:    run the school diligently and thriftily
  • 开办工厂:    start a factory
  • 校办工厂:    school-run factory
  • 兴办工厂:    set up factories
  • 学校办工厂:    schools establishing factories
  • 我们要勤俭办一切事业:    get sth. ready
  • 勤俭:    hardworking and thrifty 勤俭办工厂 run the factory in an industrious and economical way; 办任何事都要勤俭。 be thrifty and hardworking in whatever undertaking you are to start on. 他的成功是由于他的勤俭。 his success was due to industry and thrift
  • 阿洛特制路政府办工厂:    al lord road made government factory; lord road made government factory
  • 娄勤俭:    lou qinjian
  • 采办工程师:    procurement engineer
  • 大办工业:    go in for industry in a big way
  • 个人办工室:    individual office
  • 公办工程:    public development
  • 官办工会:    goverment controlled trade union
  • 商办工业:    business industry
  • 自办工程法:    force account method
  • 崇尚勤俭:    advocate industry and thrift
  • 厉行勤俭:    we must practice strict economy and combat extravagance
  • 勤俭持家:    be industrious and thrifty in managing a household; be diligent and thrifty in running the household [one's home]; manage the household industriously and thriftily


        勤俭:    hardworking and thrifty
        :    do; manage; handle; tackle; ...
        工厂:    factory; mill; plant; works
        勤俭办企业:    run the enterprise industriously and thriftily
        勤俭办商店:    industrious and thrifty management of shops
        勤俭办社:    run the commune industriously and thriftily
        勤俭办学:    run the school diligently and thriftily
        开办工厂:    start a factory
        校办工厂:    school-run factory
        兴办工厂:    set up factories
        学校办工厂:    schools establishing factories
        我们要勤俭办一切事业:    get sth. ready
        勤俭:    hardworking and thrifty 勤俭办工厂 run the factory in an industrious and economical way; 办任何事都要勤俭。 be thrifty and hardworking in whatever undertaking you are to start on. 他的成功是由于他的勤俭。 his success was due to industry and thrift
        阿洛特制路政府办工厂:    al lord road made government factory; lord road made government factory
        娄勤俭:    lou qinjian
        采办工程师:    procurement engineer
        大办工业:    go in for industry in a big way
        个人办工室:    individual office
        公办工程:    public development
        官办工会:    goverment controlled trade union
        商办工业:    business industry
        自办工程法:    force account method
        崇尚勤俭:    advocate industry and thrift
        厉行勤俭:    we must practice strict economy and combat extravagance
        勤俭持家:    be industrious and thrifty in managing a household; be diligent and thrifty in running the household [one's home]; manage the household industriously and thriftily


  1. "勤工出巧"英文
  2. "勤工出巧匠"英文
  3. "勤工俭学"英文
  4. "勤工助学"英文
  5. "勤俭"英文
  6. "勤俭办企业"英文
  7. "勤俭办商店"英文
  8. "勤俭办社"英文
  9. "勤俭办学"英文
  10. "勤俭持家"英文


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