

发音:   "恬淡寡欲"的汉语解释   用"恬淡寡欲"造句
  • quiet in mind with few desires; contented and indifferent to worldly gain
  • 恬淡:    indifferent to fame or gain
  • 寡欲:    having few desires
  • 寡欲期:    diestrum; dioestrus
  • 寡欲说:    theory of lessening desires
  • 冷淡寡情:    cold and unfeeling
  • 恬淡虚列:    remain nonchalant and void
  • 恬淡虚无:    tranquilized mind
  • 恬淡自甘:    quiet in mind with few desires
  • 寡欲清心:    have few desires and cleanse the heart
  • 廉静寡欲:    be pure and have few desires -- pure and modest
  • 清心寡欲:    cleanse one's heart and limit one's desires; a pure heart and few desires; purify the heart and diminish the passion; purify one's heart and restrict one's passions; remove worries and control one's desires
  • 恬不知悔:    be devoid of any sense of repentance -- to have no compunction
  • 恬尔心:    diltiazem
  • 恬不知耻, 厚颜无耻:    be dead to shame; be lost to shame; be past shame; be quite without shame; have no shame
  • 恬尔心其它:    diltiazem
  • 恬不知耻:    be devoid of any sense of shame; be lost to (all sense of ) shame; be past all sense [feelings] of shame; have no sense of shame [honor] at all; blush like a black [blue] dog; devoid of all sense of shame; without any sense of shame; nothing can abash him [her].; shameless; unscrupulously; not feel ashamed; callous to shame; dead to shame


        恬淡:    indifferent to fame or gain
        寡欲:    having few desires
        寡欲期:    diestrum; dioestrus
        寡欲说:    theory of lessening desires
        冷淡寡情:    cold and unfeeling
        轻弱淡寡的:    légersfaible etits; légersfaiblespetits
        恬淡虚列:    remain nonchalant and void
        恬淡虚无:    tranquilized mind
        恬淡自甘:    quiet in mind with few desires
        寡欲清心:    have few desires and cleanse the heart
        廉静寡欲:    be pure and have few desires -- pure and modest
        清心寡欲:    cleanse one's heart and limit one's desires; a pure heart and few desires; purify the heart and diminish the passion; purify one's heart and restrict one's passions; remove worries and control one's desires
        恬不知悔:    be devoid of any sense of repentance -- to have no compunction
        恬尔心:    diltiazem
        恬不知耻, 厚颜无耻:    be dead to shame; be lost to shame; be past shame; be quite without shame; have no shame
        恬尔心其它:    diltiazem
        恬不知耻:    be devoid of any sense of shame; be lost to (all sense of ) shame; be past all sense [feelings] of shame; have no sense of shame [honor] at all; blush like a black [blue] dog; devoid of all sense of shame; without any sense of shame; nothing can abash him [her].; shameless; unscrupulously; not feel ashamed; callous to shame; dead to shame




        拼音:tián dàn guǎ yù
        注音:ㄊㄧㄢˊ ㄉㄢˋ ㄍㄨㄚˇ ㄧㄩˋ



        • 【拼音】:tián dàn guǎ yù
        • 【解释】:恬淡:安静闲适,不求名利;寡:少;欲:欲望。心境清静淡泊...


  1. "恬不知耻"英文
  2. "恬不知耻, 厚颜无耻"英文
  3. "恬不知悔"英文
  4. "恬淡"英文
  5. "恬淡虚列"英文
  6. "恬淡虚无"英文
  7. "恬淡自甘"英文
  8. "恬尔心"英文
  9. "恬尔心其它"英文


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