

发音:   "清心寡欲"的汉语解释   用"清心寡欲"造句
  • cleanse one's heart and limit one's desires; a pure heart and few desires; purify the heart and diminish the passion; purify one's heart and restrict one's passions; remove worries and control one's desires
  • 清心:    clearing away the heart-fire
  • 寡欲清心:    have few desires and cleanse the heart
  • 寡欲:    having few desires
  • 清心:    clearing away the heart-fire 清心安神 clearing heart and tranquilization; 清心开窍 clearing heart and inducing resuscitation; 清心泻火 clearing heart-fire
  • 寡欲期:    diestrum; dioestrus
  • 寡欲说:    theory of lessening desires
  • 核心寡糖:    core oligosaccharide; coreoligosaccharide
  • 清宫,清心:    cooling pericardium
  • 清心火:    clearing away the heart-fire; eliminating cardiopyrexia; eliminating the heart-fire
  • 清心术:    exaltation
  • 清心图:    a clear heart
  • 清心丸:    bolus for clearing heart-fire; sleeping pills
  • 清心咒:    sonorous hum
  • 廉静寡欲:    be pure and have few desires -- pure and modest
  • 恬淡寡欲:    quiet in mind with few desires; contented and indifferent to worldly gain
  • 导赤清心:    diuretic for cardiopyrexia
  • 牛黄清心丸:    bezoar sedative pill; cow-bezoar sedative bolus
  • 清心安神:    clear away heart-fire and tranquillize the mind; clearing away heartfire and tranquillizing; clearing away the heart fire and tranquillizing; ease mental anxiety; easing mental anxiety; excessive anxiety; removing cardiopyrexia for tranquilization
  • 清心静神:    preserve a tranquil mind
  • 清心开窍:    clearing heart and inducing resuscitation
  • 清心泻火:    clearing heart fire
  • 清心修身:    cleanse one's heart and temper one's behavior
  • 清心学院:    immaculate heart college
  • 清心养性:    purify one's heart and cultivate one's moral character
  • 清心斋肠粉:    steamed rice rolls with vegetables


    更多例句:  下一页
  1. Fenton was a thin, balding and ascetic man .
  2. Fenton, thin, balding and ascetic, was another veteran .
  3. Chastity was as deeply ingrained in them as party loyalty .
  4. Cold and ugliness were a good tonic for relaxed sensibilities .
  5. How could she lie again on straw in a cold room and be contented ?


        清心:    clearing away the heart-fire
        寡欲清心:    have few desires and cleanse the heart
        寡欲:    having few desires
        清心:    clearing away the heart-fire 清心安神 clearing heart and tranquilization; 清心开窍 clearing heart and inducing resuscitation; 清心泻火 clearing heart-fire
        寡欲期:    diestrum; dioestrus
        寡欲说:    theory of lessening desires
        核心寡糖:    core oligosaccharide; coreoligosaccharide
        清宫,清心:    cooling pericardium
        清心火:    clearing away the heart-fire; eliminating cardiopyrexia; eliminating the heart-fire
        清心术:    exaltation
        清心图:    a clear heart
        清心丸:    bolus for clearing heart-fire; sleeping pills
        清心咒:    sonorous hum
        廉静寡欲:    be pure and have few desires -- pure and modest
        恬淡寡欲:    quiet in mind with few desires; contented and indifferent to worldly gain
        导赤清心:    diuretic for cardiopyrexia
        牛黄清心丸:    bezoar sedative pill; cow-bezoar sedative bolus
        清心安神:    clear away heart-fire and tranquillize the mind; clearing away heartfire and tranquillizing; clearing away the heart fire and tranquillizing; ease mental anxiety; easing mental anxiety; excessive anxiety; removing cardiopyrexia for tranquilization
        清心静神:    preserve a tranquil mind
        清心开窍:    clearing heart and inducing resuscitation
        清心泻火:    clearing heart fire
        清心修身:    cleanse one's heart and temper one's behavior
        清心学院:    immaculate heart college
        清心养性:    purify one's heart and cultivate one's moral character
        清心斋肠粉:    steamed rice rolls with vegetables


        清心寡欲的俄语:пассивное жела́ние пассивное стремле́ние слабое жела́ние
        清心寡欲什么意思:qīng xīn guǎ yù 【解释】清:清净;寡:少:欲:欲望,需求。保持心地清净,减少欲念。 【出处】《后汉书·任隗传》:“隗字仲和,少好黄老,清静寡欲。” 【示例】刘均佐,我奉师父法旨,等你清心寡欲,受戒持斋,不许凡心动。(元·郑廷玉《忍字记》第三折) 【拼音码】qxgy 【用法】联合式;作谓语、宾语;含贬义 【英文】purge one's mind of desires and...


  1. "清新消炎茶树油海藻面膜"英文
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  4. "清心"英文
  5. "清心安神"英文
  6. "清心火"英文
  7. "清心静神"英文
  8. "清心开窍"英文
  9. "清心术"英文
  10. "清心图"英文


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