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  • Damon says, laughing abashedly and hissing a plume of smoke.
  • Now an attractive woman, Geraldine abashedly looks over her new body.
  • This multifaceted persona can be sly and sarcastic or un-abashedly silly.
  • He then abashedly disavowed the remark, and said he'd been joking.
  • "I have to do it, " she said, though abashedly.
  • "Well, you know me, " he said abashedly, but with a big smile.
  • He may also be the only populist in a field of mostly liberals who is avowedly, un-abashedly prolife.
  • Based on a decade-old best seller by Michael Crichton, " Congo " is an abashedly glorified B-movie.
  • From the privacy of her kitchen, I nursed a cup of tea and eavesdropped un-abashedly while the children acted out an impromptu skit in a nearby playroom.
  • He told me he was struggling in the water, that he couldn't stay afloat and he wondered, however abashedly, whether there was some truth to the stereotype.
  • It's difficult to see abashedly in a sentence. 用abashedly造句挺难的
  • So I wanted to take a journey into those lessons, not to glorify that era, but to make a film that was directly and un-abashedly an exploration of sexuality, not obscene at all.
  • Even more memorable than Grant's fall was the savvy way he redeemed himself in public opinion, appearing on " The Tonight Show " and abashedly telling Jay Leno he had made a foolish mistake.
  • At the Costco parking lot down the road, Cindy Goldstein acknowledged, laughing a bit abashedly, that her six-year-old Land Rover devours gasoline, and then she pondered where that fuel came from.
  • "I know it must seem crazy that I am trying these shoes on right now, " she said a bit abashedly, " but I don't know, it was something that I was going to do, so I am doing it ."
  • Moreover, according to the film, many in the Magdalene group, whose numbers pundits keep telling us are growing, appear to supplement their Bible reading with two other books : the Gnostic gospels and-- more abashedly, perhaps-- " The Da Vinci Code, " by Dan Brown.
  • In February of 2000, we see Park brandishing a cigar at an Oscar party and predicting an even bigger blowout once Kozmo goes public . ( At another point he somewhat abashedly calculates that, if the stock trades at $ 20 a share, he would be worth around $ 150 million . ).
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