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  • I bought this new abba disc on sale today
  • We adore thee ! abba s praises we proclaim
  • Elijah ! and he answered with a main cry : abba ! adonai
    的呼唤声,他铿锵有力地回答道: “阿爸!
  • God is our father . on the cross jesus said , " abba , father .
  • We know what “ abba , father ” meant in the mouth of christ in gethsemane
  • The russian language production will be the first time abba songs will be performed in russian
  • Edna : abba was a swedish band that sang in english without understanding a single word
    埃德娜: abba是用英语来演唱的瑞典乐队,他们一个字都不知道自己在唱什么。
  • And because you are sons , god has sent forth the spirit of his son into our hearts , crying , abba , father
  • And because ye are sons , god hath sent forth the spirit of his son into your hearts , crying , abba , father
  • Because you are sons , god has sent forth the spirit of his son into our hearts , crying , " abba ! father !
    加4 : 6你们既为儿子、神就差他儿子的灵、进入你们原文作我们的心、呼叫阿爸、父。
  • It's difficult to see abba in a sentence. 用abba造句挺难的
  • Because you are sons , god sent the spirit of his son into our hearts , the spirit who calls out , " abba , father .
  • Gal . 4 : 6 and because you are sons , god has sent forth the spirit of his son into our hearts , crying , abba , father
  • 6 because you are sons , god sent the spirit of his son into our hearts , the spirit who calls out , " abba , [ 1 ] father .
  • It begins with our relationship and understanding of who god is with us , that we are his children , that he is our father , abba father , as jesus said
    我们明白神是谁,我们是?的儿女, ?是我们的父阿爸,父。
  • " abba , father , " he said , " everything is possible for you . take this cup from me . yet not what i will , but what you will .
  • And he said , abba father , all things are possible to you ; remove this cup from me ; yet not what i will , but what you will
    36 ?说,阿爸,父啊,在你凡事都能,求你将这杯从我撤去;然而不要照我的意思,只要照你的意思。
  • For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear ; but ye have received the spirit of adoption , whereby we cry , abba , father
  • For you did not get the spirit of servants again to put you in fear , but the spirit of sons was given to you , by which we say , abba , father
  • 36 " abba , [ 5 ] father , " he said , " everything is possible for you . take this cup from me . yet not what i will , but what you will .
  • 更多造句:  1  2
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