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  • Calamondin trees bear fruit profusely and are highly ornamental.
  • But as pretty as calamondin trees are, their fruit is barely edible, if that.
  • Q . I have a four-foot calamondin orange tree that has thrived for years.
  • The appearance is similar to Calamondin.
  • An acidic fruit that resembles a large kumquat, the Calamondin is popular among Filipino and Hawaiian cooks.
  • It can be done, as attested to by all the potted calamondin orange trees now basking in sunny windows.
  • In its native homeland in Southeast Asia the calamondin grows well in cool and elevated areas and in sandy soils rich in organic matter.
  • Carmela said her calamondin and sour orange trees, which showed no signs of infection, were also cut down by state-directed crews.
  • Meyer lemon ), and crossing different varieties ( e . g .'Australian Sunrise', a finger lime and calamondin cross ).
  • Street food, such as squid balls and fish balls, are often skewered on bamboo sticks and consumed with soy sauce and the sour juice of the calamondin as condiments.
  • It's difficult to see calamondin in a sentence. 用calamondin造句挺难的
  • These hardier ones include bay laurel, bougainvillea, cactuses, calamondin orange, camellia, clivia, ivies, jade, Norfolk Island pine, rosemary, scented geraniums and oleander.
  • The trifoliate orange and kumquats do not naturally interbreed with the four undisputed citrus taxa due to different flowering times, but hybrids ( such as the citrange and calamondin ) exist.
  • Some are bone-jarringly tart ( the limequat, the calamondin ), some famously aromatic ( the citron, the bergamot ), some deliciously tart-sweet ( the Page mandarin, the cocktail grapefruit ).
  • The mother block has sour oranges, Mexican limes, variegated pink lemons ( no, they don't make pink lemonade ), Kaffir lime, bergamot, calamondin, mandarinquats, and three kinds of citron.
  • Fish are spritzed with the juice prior to cooking to eliminate the " fishy " smell . " Kuah asang " ( " sour soup " ) is a regional clear fish broth made with calamondin juice.
  • Notable species in the Citrinae group include Bergamot orange, calamondin, citron, grapefruit, lemon, orange, pummelo, tangelo, and tangerine, all of which are in the genus " Citrus ".
  • Floridians who have a Calamondin in the yard often use the juice in a summer variation of lemonade or limeade, as mentioned above, and, left a bit sour, it cuts thirst with the distinctive calamondin flavor.
  • Floridians who have a Calamondin in the yard often use the juice in a summer variation of lemonade or limeade, as mentioned above, and, left a bit sour, it cuts thirst with the distinctive calamondin flavor.
  • Calamondin, on the way to producing its tiny orangelike fruit, rebloomed the last day of 2000, giving fragrant hope that in this year maybe, just maybe, I can get my new orchids to flower again, too, to look again the way they did when I hauled them home from the store.
  • The only time I ever saw him lose his sweet disposition at an animate object ( me ), was one sunny afternoon when he asked me to go outside and turn the sprinkler on the avocado tree only to discover two hours later that I'd just watered the daylights out of a straggly calamondin bush.
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