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  • In the present study , ghr that was similar to the conventional ghrs was termed as ghr1 , and another type was termed as ghr2 . meanwhile , using the same methods , zfghrl and zfghr2 were also isolated from zebra fish ( danio rerio ) est and htg genome sequences
    同时,我们用相似的方法从斑马鱼的est序列和其高通量( htg )基因组序列分离出斑马鱼zfghr1和zfghr2 。
  • Many organisms produce enzymes , termed photolyases , that specifically bind to these damage products and split the via a uv - a / blue light - dependent mechanism ( photoreactivation ) , thereby reversing the damage . these two photolyase are specific for either cpds ( cpd photolyase ) or 6 - 4 products ( 6 - 4 photolyase ) . a gene that expresses a protein with 6 - 4 photolyase activity in vitro , was recently cloned from high organisms ( arabidopsis thaliam , drosophila melanogaster , danio rerio , xenopus laevis and homo sapiens )
    目前已从高等生物拟南芥、鲐类、果蝇、人类和非洲爪蟾蜍属中克隆到有( 6 - 4 )光裂合酶活性的基因,本研究从盐生杜氏藻dunaliellasalina中克隆到( 6 - 4 )光裂合酶的基因,并将该基因在大肠杆菌中得以表达,这是首次在藻类中克隆到( 6 - 4 )光裂合酶基因,对光裂合酶的研究具有重要意义。
  • It's difficult to see danio in a sentence. 用danio造句挺难的
如何用danio造句,用danio造句danio in a sentence, 用danio造句和danio的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。