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  • However , the treatment with topical eardrops must not be used to replace proper cleaning of the ear or a necessary operation
  • However , the treatment with topical eardrops must not be used to replace proper cleaning of the ear or a necessary operation
  • Topical therapy with eardrops is as important as local care with cleaning , drying and antiseptic solution , ointment or powders
  • " i would experience sudden pain in my ear and sometimes couldn t hear anything at all . but i really didn t have time to consult a doctor , so i brought a bottle of eardrops with me to siu lam and would continue taking statements when my hearing came back
  • It's difficult to see eardrop in a sentence. 用eardrop造句挺难的
如何用eardrop造句,用eardrop造句eardrop in a sentence, 用eardrop造句和eardrop的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。