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  • Fr . charles is an assistant professor of systematic theology at st . augustine ' s seminary . he is currently teaching the following courses : " ecclesiology " ; " creation , anthropology , and sin " ; " grace and glory " ; and " mariology .
    吴神父现任圣奥斯定神学院系统理论神学学系副?授。他?授的科目课程包括有: "教会神学旨义" 、 "创世人类罪行" 、 "天恩神荣"及"圣母论说" 。
  • It's difficult to see ecclesiology in a sentence. 用ecclesiology造句挺难的
如何用ecclesiology造句,用ecclesiology造句ecclesiology in a sentence, 用ecclesiology造句和ecclesiology的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。