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  • Spanish fishermen, led by Factortame Ltd ., challenged the act.
  • In deciding to grant relief to Factortame, two factors influenced the House of Lords.
  • Firstly, the likelihood that Factortame would suffer hardship and loss, were relief not to be allowed.
  • The Factortame case provided the court for an opportunity to elaborate on the principles underlying the liability of Member States.
  • He first noted that the injunction sought by Factortame would in fact be available in all Member States except the UK and Denmark.
  • In the Factortame case, the European Court of Justice ruled that British courts could have powers to overturn British legislation contravening European law.
  • Factortame had argued that claims for discrimination under European law were broadly comparable to claims for discrimination to individuals under the Race Relations Act 1976.
  • The judge also rejected an attempt by Factortame to obtain damages for injury to feelings and aggravated damages caused by HMG's breach of Community law.
  • In March 2000, Factortame and the other claimants ( approximately 90 Anglo-Spanish fishing companies ) accepted an offer of settlement from the Secretary of State.
  • The "'Merchant Shipping Act 1995 "'is an Factortame case, as the Merchant Shipping Act 1988 was impugned by the Common Fisheries Policy.
  • It's difficult to see factortame in a sentence. 用factortame造句挺难的
  • Laws wrote that the question of whether the European Communities Act was affected by implied repeal had already been determined by the House of Lords in " Factortame ".
  • The case of " R v . Secretary of State for Transport ex parte Factortame " is considered decisive as to the superiority of EU law over British law.
  • Such a result could not occur under parliamentary sovereignty ( or at least not before Factortame ) as a statute was law and its validity could not be questioned in any court.
  • Addressing the public criticism expressed following the ECJ's decision and the alleged erosion of Parliamentary sovereignty, directives, the House of Lords was now accomplishing the same task in giving judgment for Factortame.
  • He was a member of the Factortame case, Mischo returned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg where he carried out the duties of Ambassador / Secretary General from 1 January 1993.
  • The seminal example of this is the Factortame case, where the House of Lords granted such an injunction preventing the operation of the Merchant Shipping Act 1988 until litigation in the European Court of Justice had been resolved.
  • None of Factortame's vessels could satisfy the new requirements and an action for judicial review was brought by its owners in the Divisional Court of the High Court of Justice of England and Wales in December 1988.
  • In the Factortame case, its provisions in Parts I and II, Registration of British Ships, were disapplied by the House of Lords when they were found to conflict with European Community law and the Common Fisheries Policy.
  • Amongst the early beneficiaries of the 1894 Act was Factortame Limited, a company whose directors were Joseph J L Couceiro, John A Couceiro and Ken L Couceiro, all Spanish nationals with Portuguese ancestry resident and domiciled in Spain.
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