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  • Put him aside , monsieur gabelle
    把他放了,加伯尔先生! ”
  • And what is the message to the unfortunate gabelle in prison
    要我给关在牢里的不幸的加伯尔带什么口信? ”
  • Help , gabelle ! help , every one
    叫大家来救火呀! ”
  • Said monsieur gabelle
  • He handed in the names of two witnesses : th ophile gabelle , and alexandre manette
  • Citizen gabelle was called to confirm it , and did so . citizen gabelle hinted , with infinite delicacy and
  • In ming dynasty , the system of the kaizhong of salt was spoke highly of , " kaizhong is the best system of the ming gabelle "
    盐课开中制度在明代是颇受人称道的, “有明盐法,莫善于开中” 。
  • Nothing but the production of the afflicted gabelle s letter from his prison of the abbaye would have got him on so far
  • Lay hands on this stranger if he seeks to lodge in your village to - night , and be sure that his business is honest , gabelle
    “那个外地人今晚要是在这个村里找地方住,就把他抓起来,查查他有没有正当职业,加伯尔。 ”
  • Upon those , had followed gabelle s letter : the appeal of an innocent prisoner , in danger of death , to his justice , honour , and good name
  • It's difficult to see gabelle in a sentence. 用gabelle造句挺难的
  • Casting his eyes over gabelle s letter , the same personage in authority showed some disorder and surprise , and looked at darnay with a close attention
  • The past dynasties set down very detailed law of the salt business , especially ming dynasty , the gabelle had a greater chanage and a more perfect system
  • As a living commodity , the demand quantum of salt was mortal , and the gabelle became the main source of the governmental financial income of the past dynasties
  • The tea is the absolutely necessarily commody , alike the salt . the ming goverment constituted similar legal systems of the tea business to the gabelle
  • There was spurring and splashing through the darkness , and bridle was drawn in the space by the village fountain , and the horse in a foam stood at monsieur gabelle s door
    驱马声溅水声穿过了黑暗,在村里的泉水边停住了。那马喷着白沫站在加伯尔先生的大门口, “加伯尔先生,救火呀!
  • Monsieur gabelle was the postmaster , and some other taxing functionary united ; he had come out with great obsequiousness to assist at this examination , and had held the examined by the drapery of his arm in an official manner
  • Whereupon , monsieur gabelle did heavily bar his door , and retire to hold counsel with himself the result of that conference was , that gabelle again withdrew himself to his house - top behind his stack of chimneys ; this time resolved , if his door was broken in he was a small southern man of retaliative temperament , to pitch himself head foremost over the parapet , and crush a man or two below
  • A trying suspense , to be passing a whole summer night on the brink of the black ocean , ready to take that plunge into it upon which monsieur gabelle had resolved but , the friendly dawn appearing at last , and the rush - candles of the village guttering out , the people happily dispersed , and monsieur gabelle came down bringing his life with him for that while
  • Not only that ; but the village , light - headed with famine , fire , and bell - ringing , and bethinking itself that monsieur gabelle had to do with the collection of rent and taxes - though it was but a small instalment of taxes , and no rent at all , that gabelle had got in those latter days - became impatient for an interview with him , and , surrounding his house , summoned him to come forth for personal conference
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