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  • Galletting with flints was widely used.
  • Galletting was a common technique in those parts of Southeast England between the North and South Downs, where sandstone buildings may be galleted with ironstone.
  • The mortar lines between the local malmstones of this section are studded with pieces of iron, a local characteristic known as " galletting ".
  • Traditionally the Upper Ward was judged to be " to all intents and purposes a nineteenth-century creation . . . the image of what the early nineteenth-century thought a castle should be ", as a result of the extensive redesign of the castle by Wyatville under George IV . The walls of the Upper Ward are built of galletting, originally started at the castle in the 17th century to give stonework from disparate periods a similar appearance.
  • It's difficult to see galletting in a sentence. 用galletting造句挺难的
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