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  • Achondrogenesis, type 2 and hypochondrogenesis ( a similar skeletal disorder ) together affect 1 in 40, 000 to 60, 000 births.
  • Hypochondrogenesis is considered an autosomal dominant disorder because the affected gene is located on an autosome, and only one copy of the altered gene is necessary to cause the condition.
  • Hypochondrogenesis is a subtype of collagenopathy, types II and XI, and is similar to another skeletal disorder, achondrogenesis type 2, although the spinal changes seen in hypochondrogenesis tend to be somewhat milder.
  • Hypochondrogenesis is a subtype of collagenopathy, types II and XI, and is similar to another skeletal disorder, achondrogenesis type 2, although the spinal changes seen in hypochondrogenesis tend to be somewhat milder.
  • Hypochondrogenesis is one of the most severe conditions in a spectrum of disorders caused by mutations in the " COL2A1 " gene interfere with the assembly of type II collagen molecules, which prevents bones from developing properly.
  • It's difficult to see hypochondrogenesis in a sentence. 用hypochondrogenesis造句挺难的
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