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  • But they look fami i iar somehow . .
    不过好像有点面熟啊. .
  • But they look fami i iar somehow
    不过好像有点面熟啊. .
  • She looks fami i iar
  • The iar is primarily used by debuggers to show the next instruction to be executed
  • And they rose in their seats , those twelve of iar , and they swore by the name of him who is from everlasting that they would do his rightwiseness
  • The concept of interestingness is redefined within the scope of probability , which is the base of the introduction of the negative items . with the bound of the negative items , an algorithm iar , which can generate the rules with negative items , is proposed . these works complete the semantics of the rules , as well as make the rules more meaningful , especially in the case of concept hierarchy consideration
  • And there sat with him the high sinhedrim of the twelve tribes of iar , for every tribe one man , of the tribe of patrick and of the tribe of hugh and of the tribe of owen and of the tribe of conn and of the tribe of oscar and of the tribe of fergus and of the tribe of finn and of the tribe of dermot and of the tribe of cormac and of the tribe of kevin and of the tribe of caolte and of the tribe of ossian , there being in all twelve good men and true
  • It's difficult to see iar in a sentence. 用iar造句挺难的
如何用iar造句,用iar造句iar in a sentence, 用iar造句和iar的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。