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  • In business , iberia ' s link - up with british airways awaits approval from brussels
  • New iberia has very lenient security regulations , many of her best picks come from new iberia , and she likes travel there , because her brother lives there
  • Michaels , daniel . " dogfight : in the secret world of airplane deals , one battle up close - boeing , airbus vied to meet cutthroat terms of iberia . " the wall street journal , 10 march 2003
  • In her position , monica travels frequently to new iberia which has had booming economic in recent years thanks to outsourcing for large international corporations for software development
  • So even though new iberia has loose regulations and likely no prohibitions against inside trading , monica is required to in appliance with the cfa institute standard 2a which prohibits the use of inside information
    因此,即便新伊比利亚的制度松散,而且似乎没有禁止内部交易的规定,莫尼卡仍应遵循cfa机构的标准2a ,即禁止内部信息外用。
  • Cathay pacific and oneworld airlines qantas airways , british airways , american airlines , aer lingus , finnair , iberia and lan are among asia miles partner airlines . others include alaska airlines , air china , china eastern airlines , dragonair , gulf air , japan airlines , japan asia airways , royal brunei airlines , south african airways , swiss international airlines and vietnam airlines
  • It's difficult to see iberia in a sentence. 用iberia造句挺难的
如何用iberia造句,用iberia造句iberia in a sentence, 用iberia造句和iberia的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。