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  • Hi . can i get two for kandahar
  • The heaviest fighting erupted late saturday in the southern province of kandahar
  • The heaviest fighting erupted late saturday in the southern province of kandahar
  • But there are also troops in kandahar supporting french mirage jets operating at the southern base
  • But there are also troops in kandahar supporting french mirage jets operating at the southern base
  • But there are also troops in kandahar supporting french mirage jets operating at the southern base
  • But there are also troops in kandahar supporting french mirage jets operating at the southern base
  • The governor of kandahar province says none of the foreign soldiers was hurt and the convoy suffered no damage
  • But there are also troops in kandahar supporting french mirage jets operating at the southern base
  • Nato ' s operation medusa was launched saturday to wipe out taleban strongholds in kandahar province
  • It's difficult to see kandahar in a sentence. 用kandahar造句挺难的
  • Nato ' s operation medusa was launched saturday to wipe out taleban strongholds in kandahar province
  • But with eight schools burned in the current school year , kandahar is the center of antigovernment activity
  • In the past year 22 soldiers from canada ' s 2 , 500 - strong force serving in afghanistan ' s kandahar province have been killed
  • The six men were killed when the armoured vehicle in which they were traveling hit a mine about 1 . 30 p . m . kandahar time on easter sunday
    复活节星期天坎大哈时间下午1 . 30左右六名加拿大士兵牺牲,他们的装甲车碰到地雷。
  • They include several hundred soldiers killed since the september 11 attacks on the united states in places like kabul and kandahar , baghdad and ramadi
    他们包括几百个自9 、 11之后在喀布尔、坎大哈、巴格达以及罗摩死亡的战士。
  • They include several hundred soldiers killed since september 11th attacks on the united states in places like kabul and kandahar , baghdad and ramadi
  • They include several hundred soldiers killed since the september 11 attacks on the united states in places like kabul and kandahar , baghdad and ramadi
  • " you accept everything your government says , whether it is true or false , " omar said in a messaged faxed to reuters from his headquarters in the southern city of kandahar
    在他传真给路透社的一份消息中说, “你们不分是非,接受美国政府公告的一切。 ”
  • The deputy director of kandahar ' s provincial council and the chief of panjwayi district said the civilia were killed in a series of nato operatio , including airstrikes , in the province of kandahar on tuesday
  • Earlier monday , insurgents carried out two suicide bombings in the nearby southern city of kandahar . three people , including a former factional commander , were killed in one of the attacks
  • 更多造句:  1  2
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