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  • When the boss falls from power , his lackeys disperse .
  • Of course there's no reason why they should, he's a useful and obedient lackey in their struggle for foreign markets .
  • - what ' s your fucking lackey saying ? - he say that he knows your dog
    -你的马仔说什么? -他说认识你的狗
  • What ' s your fucking lackey saying ? - he say that he knows your dog
    你的马仔说什么? -他说认识你的狗
  • I think the likelihood is the person that likes lackey ' s much reason
  • Mm shellfish lovely oh well , her clothes certainly no exception lackeys
  • Unless you want to stay howard saint ' s lackey for the rest of you life
  • A person of slavish or unquestioning obedience ; a lackey
  • " you are to use this room , miss madenda , " said one of the stage lackeys
    “你用这一间吧,麦登达小姐, ”一个后台侍役说。
  • The singer was surrounded by the usual crowd of lackeys and hangers - on
  • It's difficult to see lackey in a sentence. 用lackey造句挺难的
  • Introduction : mm shellfish lovely oh well , her clothes certainly no exception lackeys
  • " that man wheeler s sick , " reported one of the lackeys to the night clerk
    “那个叫惠勒的人病了, ”一个茶房向夜班办事员报告说。
  • An accomplice or a lackey who aids in the commission of base or disreputable acts
  • This is sweet ! now we ' ve got a bunch of lackeys to hang out and do stuff for us
  • Gentlewoman calls out lackey , swift end gives dish of hamburger to look to this individual
  • " europe marched behind it with no choice but to be a lackey , " bin laden said
    本?拉登嘲讽说: “欧洲跟在美国后面,乖乖地做了个‘跟班’ 。 ”
  • Which is why his lackeys waited months before telling him about the famine
  • But two costly errors hurt the yankees ' chances , while john lackey and the angels ' bullpen did the rest
    以5 - 3的比数输了这场美国联盟分区系列赛中,五战三胜中第二场比赛中的一场比赛。
  • Because the person is met , have vanity . so those lackey are worn with respect to evening this one defect comes to the person undertake flattering
  • Not be now only , any moment lackey very be very popular . one is plant very modern making a way is human relation communication capability is strong
  • 更多造句:  1  2
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