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  • Naidyuk has been more fortunate with his health.
  • Of the eight people on Naidyuk's shift that night, only one other is still alive.
  • While some are still angry that little was done to protect the firefighters from radiation, Naidyuk is more resigned than resentful.
  • Naidyuk was one of the first firefighters on the flaming scene of the world's worst nuclear disaster, at the Chernobyl nuclear plant on April 26, 1986.
  • Anatoly Naidyuk's deep, steady voice faltered only slightly as he recalled the moment 10 years ago when he stood on the roof of Chernobyl's No . 4 reactor as it melted beneath his feet.
  • It's difficult to see naidyuk in a sentence. 用naidyuk造句挺难的
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