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  • He also made known the peculiar properties of amyl nitrite, a drug which was largely used in the treatment of angina pectoris, and he introduced the bromides of quinine, iron and strychnia, ozonized ether, styptic and iodized colloid, hydrogen peroxide, and sodium ethoxide, substances which were soon largely used by the medical profession.
  • In 1863, he made known the peculiar properties of amyl nitrite, a drug which was largely used in the treatment of breast-pang ( angina pectoris ), and he introduced the bromides of quinine, iron and strychnia, ozonized ether, styptic and iodized colloid, peroxide of hydrogen, and ethylate of soda, substances which were soon largely used by the medical profession.
  • It's difficult to see ozonize in a sentence. 用ozonize造句挺难的
如何用ozonize造句,用ozonize造句ozonize in a sentence, 用ozonize造句和ozonize的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。