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  • Popliteal muscle transfer for correction of paralysis of quadriceps femoris in t eenagers
  • Herbal fumigating plus quadriceps femoris function training in treating knee osteoarthritis
  • Clinical research about the therapeutic effect on quadriceps femoris paralysis by dcs internal fixtion
  • Patellar traction and surgical operation for treatment of old fracture of patella and quadriceps contracture
  • The forces involved in extensor mechanism : the quadriceps muscle force , tension of patellar tendon and patellofemoral joint reaction force , are computed
  • Passive stretching exercises to maintain muscle length and prevent tightness of knee muscles strengthening exercise for quadriceps muscle with cuff weight
  • Employers should provide lifting aids to workers . - simple measures such as strengthening of the quadriceps muscles are recommended for workers
  • To loosen your quadriceps , stand up , grab a foot behind your back , and pull that foot to your butt , keeping your knee pointed at the ground ( figure 6 )
    伸展肩膀的另一种方法,把手臂往后拉,拇指朝上,手掌压在墙上或石壁上,感觉整只手及肩感受到伸展(图四) 。
  • If quadriceps appears unusual potential shows a small of the back be put into trouble of 4 nerve root , often showing a small of the back the possibility that 4 interverbebral disc highlight 3 waist
  • When examining patient of lumbar protrusion of the intervertebral disc , want the flesh before the examination is bilateral and tibial , fibula to grow the flesh , sural bowel flesh , flesh that extend ? normally , also must check a quadriceps sometimes
  • It's difficult to see quadriceps in a sentence. 用quadriceps造句挺难的
  • Be like a waist again 5 , when 1 interverbebral disc of di is outstanding , 1 nerve of much influence di , report is sural bowel flesh to appear on flesh report graph potential is unusual , a quadriceps , tibial before the as good as such as flesh constant potential
    又如腰5 、骶1椎间盘突出时,多影响骶1神经根,反映在肌电图上为腓肠肌出现电位异常,而股四头肌、胫骨前肌等无异常电位。
  • The movement is slow , smooth and easy to learn , and it requires little space and can be practised at home . the therapeutic value is enormous . it will help strengthen the muscle power and endurance of the lower body including the quadriceps , the hamstrings and lower leg muscles , and improve upper limb range of motion and flexibility , thus increasing the agility of the elderly
    这套运动动作柔和缓慢,容易掌握,所需练习空间不大,并且治疗效益高,可以增强下肢肌肉力量,包括四头肌、 ?绳肌和小腿肌,以及改善上肢活动幅度和肌肉柔韧性,令长者身体更加灵活。
  • Through the electric stimulation training quadriceps muscles and biceps muscles on wushu athlete , observing electricity stimulating influence on feedback speed , on muscle strenth , on musculus endurance , on flexibility and sensitivity , the result find it had best influence through electricity stimulating training quadriceps muscles and biceps muscles at the same time , this can be used as the wushu athlete to train
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