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  • The Scandinavian connection may also explain how sablefish became black cod.
  • The only fish unsuitable for poaching are very soft ones such as sablefish.
  • Pacific cod and sablefish are known predators of lumpsuckers.
  • Sablefish is the Cinderella of the seafood world.
  • Longliners commonly target swordfish, tuna, halibut, sablefish and many other species.
  • Sablefish in broth with sliced pine mushrooms, served in a bowl covered with parchment, thrilled us.
  • As an apex predator, the salmon shark feeds on salmon, squid, sablefish, and herring.
  • OILY Types : Tuna, salmon, swordfish, mackerel, sardines, sablefish, trout, shark and bluefish.
  • They call it sablefish when it is smoked; black cod when it is whole; butterfish when its filleted.
  • The sablefish is found in muddy sea beds in the North Pacific at depths of and is commercially important to Japan.
  • It's difficult to see sablefish in a sentence. 用sablefish造句挺难的
  • Predators of adult Pacific ocean perch are likely sablefish, Pacific halibut, and sperm whales ( Major and Shippen 1970 ).
  • Sablefish appear to be unaffected by " H . akashiwo " blooms, while many other marine fish are decimated.
  • Fish with the most anti-aging omega-3 include : anchovies, herring, salmon, tuna, sardines and sablefish.
  • Sablefish, " Anoplopoma fimbria ", is occasionally called black cod as well, but it is not a true cod.
  • Other populations of fish that aren't doing as well are rockfish and groundfish, including lingcod, pacific red snapper, sablefish and butterfish.
  • On its circuitous journey uptown, sablefish, the stuff of Jewish delis, has assumed a new name and been cloaked in elegant new garments.
  • A number of fish including sablefish, thornyheads, rockfish, flatfish, sharks, skates, hagfish and eelpouts have been observed throughout Barkley Canyon.
  • Commercial fish species include 6 species of Pacific salmon, Alaska pollock, Pacific cod, Pacific halibut, yellowfin sole, Pacific ocean perch and sablefish.
  • "The first time I saw black cod and someone told me it was sablefish, I put two and two together, " he said.
  • The Blackfin poacher is preyed on by the Sablefish ( " Anoplopoma fimbria " ) and the Aleutian skate ( " Bathyraja aleutica " ).
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