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  • Taa metallic coatings - thioacetamide corrosion test taa test
  • Taa metallic coatings . thioacetamide corrosion test taa test
  • I am a book worm works by yuan chin - taa
  • Technical application architecture ( taa ) defines how software is constructed by responsibilities and provides a clear separation between the layers in your system
  • Sv40 polya signal and two loxp sites was added consecutively after the termination codon taa , and then a gfp gene was inserted between the two loxp sites
    在三个终止密码子taa之后,连上sv40polya 。 sv40polya之后,又连上两个loxp位点。在两个loxp位点,插入标记基因gfp 。
  • A late baculoviral transcription initiation motif ataag was found 65 nt upstream of the putative translational start site and a polyadenylation signal aataaa was identified 14 nt downstream of the taa stop codon
    在其起始密码子上游- 65nt发现杆状病毒晚期启动子转录起始信号ataag ,在其终止密码子下游- 14nt发现polya加尾信号aataaa 。
  • Pcr method was used to identify candidate ms 188 . sequence analysis indicated that a point mutation occurred in the second exon of the atmyb103 gene in male sterile mutant with caa ( gln ) replaced by a stop codon taa
    利用pcr的方法从突变体中扩增atmyb103基因并进行序列分析,结果表明突变体中atmyb103基因第二个外显子上发生了点突变,由原来编码谷氨酰胺的caa密码子突变为终止密码子taa 。
  • To date , there are few successful cases in the immunotherapy of cancer patients . the reasons for this have been the limited availability of tumor - associated antigens ( taa ) and the inability to deliver such antigens in a manner that renders them immunogenic and activates t cell responses in patients with cancer
    树突状细胞( dendriticcells , dc )是抗原提呈细胞( antigenpresentingcells , apc )的一个特殊群体,虽然在体内数量很少,但其分布十分广泛,是体内功能最强大的apc 。
  • It's difficult to see taa in a sentence. 用taa造句挺难的
如何用taa造句,用taa造句taa in a sentence, 用taa造句和taa的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。