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  • Yet the worst thing for mr bush to do if he wants to win that battle is to talk too much about venezuela on this trip : that would only puff mr ch vez up further , and attract the usual latin grumbles about yanqui bullying
    布什总统做的最错的一件事? ?如果他想赢得这场争夺战的话? ?就是不要与委内瑞拉多谈:而那样则会让查韦斯自我膨胀而“身价倍增” ,而且拉美民众会更不把“美国佬”的“圣旨”放在眼里。
  • It's difficult to see yanqui in a sentence. 用yanqui造句挺难的
如何用yanqui造句,用yanqui造句yanqui in a sentence, 用yanqui造句和yanqui的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。