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  • The dress floats out to an extravagant drift of yardage at the hem .
  • The result is " constant distance " - exceptional yardage , shot after shot
    结果是在重复击球后的"正常距离" -再增加额外的码数。
  • There is a professional showroom in our shenzhen office adn we can provide the fastest handlooms and sample yardages service . we use american four pount as our fabric standard , all of our fabrics must pass aatcc test before shipping
  • There is a professional showroom in our shenzhen office and we can provide the fastest handlooms and sample yardages service . we take american four point as our fabric standard , all of our fabrics must pass aatcc test before shipping
  • It's difficult to see yardage in a sentence. 用yardage造句挺难的
如何用yardage造句,用yardage造句yardage in a sentence, 用yardage造句和yardage的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。