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  • Why wert thou not drown d in yarmouth roads
  • The same day of the year that i escaped out of the wreck of that ship in yarmouth rodes , that same day - year afterwards i made my escape from sallee in the boat
  • The sixth day of our being at sea we came into yarmouth roads ; the wind having been contrary , and the weather calm , we had made but little way since the storm
  • Had i now had the sense to have gone back to hull , and have gone home , i had been happy , and my father , an emblem of our blessed saviour s parable , had even kill d the fatted calf for me ; for hearing the ship i went away in was cast away in yarmouth road , it was a great while before he had any assurance that i was not drown d
  • It's difficult to see yarmouth in a sentence. 用yarmouth造句挺难的
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