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  • Japanese ancient shrines are of the " kannabi " ( popularly known as Mt.
  • Kannabi no mikoto, or Kanna, is one of the last winged beings in " Air " s fictional setting and is held as a prisoner in her own castle.
  • While driving through the crowds at the festival, Misuzu suddenly leaves Keisuke's car after seeing a float of " Kannabi no Mikoto " pass and prompts a panicked search by Keisuke and Haruko.
  • During her search, Haruko finds Yukito performing, and while he is at first unwilling, after recalling how he failed Misuzu in his past life as Rykya, he joins in the search and frantically runs to the temple of " Kannabi no Mikoto ".
  • As the two become closer, the story of " Kannabi no Mikoto ", or Kanna for short begins to unfold, telling how Kanna, the last of the winged beings, fell in love with her guardian Rykya ( Nobutoshi Canna ) while being sequestered in a palace under penalty of death if she attempted to leave.
  • It's difficult to see kannabi in a sentence. 用kannabi造句挺难的
如何用kannabi造句,用kannabi造句kannabi in a sentence, 用kannabi造句和kannabi的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。