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  • He is also called vinayaka in marathi , malayalam and kannada , vinayagar and pillayar ( in tamil ) , and vinayakudu in telugu
  • An important and interesting sect , founded in the 12th century in the kannada - speaking area of the deccan , was that of the lingayats , or virasaivas ( " heroes of the saiva religion " )
    一个重要,并且有趣的派别于12世纪在德干说埃纳德语的地区成立,是林伽派的信徒,或称为“湿婆宗教的英雄” 。
  • Throughout the exhibition , the sisters who served as receptionists dressed in attractive saris traditional indian dresses , and the local hindi - speaking guests responded with sincere interest as many eagerly perused masters publications and were surprised that the fine free sample booklets we offered were available in sixty languages . several scholars asked about translating the sample booklet into other indian languages such as marathi , urdu , gujarati , malayalam and kannada
    有几位学者表示,很乐意帮我们把样书翻译成更多种印度方言,如马拉地语marathi乌都语urdu古加拉提语gujarati马来亚拉姆语malayalam及坎那达语kannada 。
  • It's difficult to see kannada in a sentence. 用kannada造句挺难的
如何用kannada造句,用kannada造句kannada in a sentence, 用kannada造句和kannada的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。