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  • With that, Speedy takes off, and Vulturo follows after him.
  • As Vulturo snorts out an annoyed sigh, Speedy returns his beak to him.
  • When Vulturo notices, he's instantly nervous at what could come next.
  • At court, Vulturo represents Race, although his speech impediment confuses the jury.
  • Vulturo admits, then denies it happened, before suspecting Speedy of stealing his supper.
  • When Speedy admits his crime, Vulturo asks him why before preparing to squash him for stealing his supper.
  • He goes off to find another job and joins up with Vulturo, whose avian colleague was recently stuffed.
  • However, the celebration is interrupted as Se駉r Vulturo sees the carnival and decides to have a supper of mouse burgers.
  • Speedy leads him back into town, but upon reaching the mouse hole, Speedy dives in while Vulturo crashes into the wall.
  • When the smoke clears, Vulturo has had his feathers and sombrero blown off, and he finally throws up the white flag and surrenders.
  • It's difficult to see vulturo in a sentence. 用vulturo造句挺难的
  • As several mice point out Vulturo and fear their celebration is ruined, Speedy assures them he will fix Se駉r Vulturo, " but good ."
  • As several mice point out Vulturo and fear their celebration is ruined, Speedy assures them he will fix Se駉r Vulturo, " but good ."
  • However, one mouse points out Vulturo already going for his first victim, crying for help, and Speedy realizes that's his cue.
  • Vulturo is not convinced in the slightest, but plays along, saying he'll look somewhere else, but has a plan to lure Speedy out.
  • When Speedy asks if he gives up, Vulturo refuses, and Speedy drops the ball, causing it to land in the cup and set off the nitroglycerin.
  • Speedy however, says that Vulturo has the wrong mouse hole as there's no one in that hole except for chickens, complete with Speedy clucking like one to fool him.
  • Not at all fooled, Speedy plays along as he goes to read the card, then decides to try the toy out, purposefully playing with it wrong to lure out Vulturo.
  • After Speedy assures the mouse it was nothing, he goes back to deal with Vulturo, spooking him into landing in the rain barrel, before asking if someone gave Vulturo the hot foot.
  • After Speedy assures the mouse it was nothing, he goes back to deal with Vulturo, spooking him into landing in the rain barrel, before asking if someone gave Vulturo the hot foot.
  • Before Vulturo can resume the chase after putting his tail feathers back on, he's hit again by a sidecar, sending him crashing back to the ground to sulk in silent annoyance.
  • 更多造句:  1  2
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