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  • [ left : female ( venus ? hand mirror ? vulva
    左:女性(维纳斯?手镜?阴户? )
  • Reconstruction of vulvae with the abdominal axial flap
  • It helps if you spread the vulva to facilitate penetration
  • White lesions of the vulva
  • Ulcus vulvae acutum
  • On the physical examination , several skin colored to brownish soft papules were observed on the right vulva
  • Changes of nerve growth factor protein and mrna in the vulva skin of rabbits after ultrasound irradiation
  • While sows can socially interact , they can also injure one another by biting each others vulva and by biting , pushing and riding one another
  • Now the urethral tissue has been trimmed , and has been brought through the lower incision in the vulva , creating the new urethral meatus
  • Proestrus : the female attracts males , has a bloody vaginal discharge and her vulva is swollen . proestrus lasts approximately nine days ; the female , however , will not allow coitus at this time
    发情前期:母犬开始引诱公犬, * *有血渗出,阴户涨大。发情前期约持续九天,不过,这段时间,母犬并不与公犬交配。
  • It's difficult to see vulva in a sentence. 用vulva造句挺难的
  • Wang , female , 34 years old individual does business the patient to tell infects the blister measles virus in 2002 , the initial period has made some simple treatments , but whenever the month menstrual period manifests suddenly a time , the vulva ache , is rotten to the core , has the water blister , nearly soon loses the treatment the confidence , after afterwards saw we establish the gram china to promote the organization the advertisement , the order establishment gram kj medicinal preparation , the establishment gram takes orally series medicine and so on the capsule , after takes orally the external use 2 treatment courses , the symptom vanished , after stops the medicine to make two examinations in the local hospital the pure blister measles virus to transfer cloudyly , thoroughly convalesced , makes a follow - up visit , the observation after more than a year of , until now has not seen recurs , respent on the happy life
    王某,女, 34岁个体经商患者自述于2002年感染疱疹病毒,初期做过一些简单的治疗,但是每到月经期发作一次,外阴疼痛糜烂,有水疱,几乎快要丧失治疗的信心,后来看到我们安立克中国推广机构的广告后,订购安立克kj剂,安立克口服胶囊等系列药物,通过内服外用2疗程后,症状消失,停药后在当地医院做了两次检验hsv单纯疱疹病毒转阴,彻底痊愈,经过一年多的随访观察,至今未见复发,重新过上了幸福的生活。
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