1. 恩同再造 Your goodness has made me a ...
  2. 恩同雨露 One's grace is like rain and...
  3. 恩威兼施 temper justice with mercy
  4. 恩威并用 apply the carrot and stick j...
  5. 恩将仇报 return kindness with ingrati...
  6. 恩师 a teacher to whom one is gre...
  7. 恩德 favour
  8. 恩怨 feeling of gratitude or rese...
  9. 恩怨分明 Kindness and hatred are clea...
  10. 恩情 loving-kindness
  11. 恩惠 favour
  12. 恩比天大 One's kindness and benevolen...
  13. 恩比天高 One's concern is higher than...
  14. 恩氏粘度 Engler viscosity
  15. 恩泽 bounties bestowed by a monar...
  16. 恩深义重 deep favour and weighty righ...
  17. 恩深似海 One's kindness to someone ha...
  18. 恩爱 conjugal love
  19. 恩爱夫妻 an affectionate couple
  20. 恩礼有加 shower sb. with favours and ...
  21. 恩谊 En Yi
  22. 恩赐 bestow
  23. 恩赐观念 idea of bestowing blessings....
  24. 恩重如山 favours weighty as a mountai...
  25. scrupulously and respectfull...
  26. 恪启 Ke Qi
  27. 恪守 scrupulously abide by
  28. 恪守不渝 adhere faithfully to
  29. 恪守中美两国关系三项联合公报 abide by the three joint com...
  30. 恪守本分 scrupulously abide by one's ...
  31. 恪守法规 reverently observing the law
  32. 恪守诺言 honour one's promise
  33. fear
  34. 恫吓 threaten
  35. 恫疑虚喝 threaten loudly
  36. 恫瘝在抱 be ill
  37. 恫矜在抱 show extreme concern over th...
  38. quiet
  39. 恬不为怪 take no offense at...
  40. 恬不为意 be nonchalant
  41. 恬不知悔 be devoid of any sense of re...
  42. 恬不知耻 be devoid of any sense of sh...
  43. 恬和 quiet and gentle
  44. 恬噪 caw
  45. 恬愉之安 the peace of comfort
  46. 恬淡 indifferent to fame or gain
  47. 恬淡寡欲 quiet in mind with few desir...
  48. 恬淡自甘 quiet in mind with few desir...
  49. 恬漠无事 nonchalant and uneventful
  50. 抛物面反射器天线 parabolic reflector antenna

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